Some notes and thoughts from this week’s course work…
Was particularly interested in AI and AR/Wearables
One thing that crossed my mind, and this is philosophical - and that is the number of ‘givens’ there appear to be. Which to my mind works against creativity. For example the suggestion that initially it was seen as logical to make robots in their own image. Less and less the case these days, maybe because of the rise of the ‘Internet of Things.’
But also… in the course work, the path towards making AI creative and ‘like humans.’ So we’ve drifted away from the concept of physical similarity and yet are holding on tightly to the mental similarity.
They say we can only discuss what we have words for - refer to Orwell’s 1984 where the Ministry of Truth was removing certain words from the vocabulary to discourage Thought Crime.
Maybe - thinking like a human isn’t the best way to be creative? It’s certainly unique. But is it the only way?
Interested in the Imagination - Being influenced by something - Appreciation - and Self Criticism.
And the artistic model - the Artist - the Artwork and the Art Lover.
The tests for software in AI/Creativity
Knowing how and why something is done
Ability to learn.
At the end of the day - how useful are all these? Even to humanity?
SMART Strategy
Read more into AI
Read more into intelligent wearables.
Parting thought….
As of this week, my phone via Facebook and Google is now showing me more content about AI/Robots etc. It’s related to this…