Coming into this process I had a few ideas which I wanted to explore. I have already mentioned them in my Personal Development section, but here they are again in a little more detail, outlining why I am interesting in looking a little further into their conceptualisation.
An app that delivers relaxation and self-help recordings
This is a crowded market, but looking at the competition I am sure that I would produce something better and more compelling. The key figures in the field - Paul McKenna and Andrew Johnson have a whole range of App delivered relxation recordings. It’s potentially simple.
An app for teaching contemporary and useful English to Chinese students
I like languages, and I like learning languages. Teaching languages has changed little from when I was at school. I think the system we used at the time was Longman’s Audio Visual French. Based on listening, comprehension and immitation. I really wanted to learn Mandarin Chinese while I was in China but it was hard to find time for regular classes while I was on shifts, and the little experience I got of lessons was of full of irrelevant material. I wanted to know how to buy a Starbucks coffee, not whether my fellow student was eating in the canteen that day. Many apps are just too simplistic. They are not ‘adult’ enough. Just about the best I have seen is ‘Du Chinese’ which has graded themed dialogues, reads the text to you while highlighting the relevant text, and allows you to single out difficult or unknown words. I’d like to create an app that switches it around, offers contemporary English dialigues, with audio and vocab dictionary.
An app for walkers on Snowdon
I live on Snowdon, and write a website for one of the cafes there. The analytics suggest that 71% of the visitors to the website do so via a mobile device. That I find rather high but exciting. The key has always been accessibility - to the mountain and the website. I am interesting in developing ways to create an app that augments visitor experience, proving information - locational, historical, social, technical.
A Welsh recipe app
I collect and put Welsh recipes on the website. I’m thinking of an interactive map app of recipes. Include the recipes, perhaps include short explainer recipes. See the map in this page about films and TV shot in Wales.
A local history/genealogy app
Interactive app - perhaps using AR - to explain local history… perhaps focuses on a walk along a particular place - A walk along Llanberis High Street, or Around Caernarfon.
Podcast delivery app
This would be a white label app that could be loaded with useful podcast or training material. It could be offered bespoke to businesses or organisations as an app devoted to their particular training needs. For example a ‘Start your own small business’ app. Containing step by step materials, task related video or audio. Not unlike the set up for this course.
So… my ideas. But, obviously can’t progress them all. So which one to pursue?