Footprints: Cen Feng

Cen Feng: Building a “super” railway bridge with grit and wit

Cen Feng, a veteran railway engineer, is building the world’s longest-span cross-sea dual-use bridge, which will be able to carry both high-speed trains and road vehicles. Being head of the project’s building team, Cen shoulders huge responsibility as the project involves massive engineering complexities and challenges. Over the past 12 months, he and his fellow builders have made steady progress with the project thanks to their diligence, perseverance and creativity.  

Footprints: Tan Jun

Tan Jun and the Chime Bells of Marquis Yi

The Chime Bells of Marquis Yi, a set of well-tuned carillon of sixty-five bronze bells unearthed in today’s Hubei province, is considered one of the most astonishing archaeological discoveries in recent history. How does this ancient instrument sound like? And how does it feel to play the 2,400-year-old giant musical instrument? As one of very few who had played music on the famed chime bells, Tan Jun knows the answers to all these questions. 

Footprints: Cen Huaxiu

Cen Huaxiu: Weaving dreams across borders with a passion for Chinese culture

22-year-old Cen Huaxiu is a fourth-year Vietnamese undergraduate student. She is presently studying Chinese at Zhejiang University, but her interest extends beyond the language. Growing up immersed in traditional Chinese cartoons and stories, Cen Huaxiu is profoundly drawn to Chinese culture and intends to pursue her dream of establishing a career in China while fostering friendships that transcend borders.

Footprints: Chen Zhenghua

Chen Zhenghua: Writing is my life-long calling

For nearly two decades, Chen Zhenghua has been riding on a wave of the boom of Chinese online literature, which includes fantasy novels, sci-fi, history, and other kinds of writings. His signature online novel Sword Snow Stride, which has been adapted into various cultural products, has brought him fame and fortune. Now having succeeded with domestic readers, Chen intends to bring his novels to the global market and he is confident international readers will also be drawn to the distinct contents of Chinese online literature. 

Footprints: Hu Jiaojiao

Hu Jiaojiao: Cultivating a love for Nature in the next generation

“My mom and dad are guardians of the earth!” Says Hu Jiaojiao's 4-year-old daughter. Both Hu and her husband are Chinese explorers and glacier researchers who are invited to the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference, or COP28, to share their experiences about glacier conservation in China. As an environmentalist and a mother, Hu Jiaojiao calls for people to cultivate a love for Nature in the next generation.

Footprints: Elyn MacInnis

​Elyn MacInnis from the United States is a passionate advocate of U.S-China friendship and historian rediscovering how people from the two countries interacted in the past. For almost 10 years, she has delved into the history of Kuliang, a mountainous summer retreat in southeast China’s Fujian Province where foreign residents and local Chinese developed close and profound bonds between the late 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. Thanks to her efforts, the stories of Kuliang have become known by an increasing number of people from both China and the United States, who are inspired to pass down and further enhance such historical friendship.

Innovation for Nature: Ep 2

Documentary series by Hyundai and the Technical University of Music, highlighting the development of the SVAN vehicle.

Chinese Folk Tales: Sun Moon Lake

China has some incredible landscapes and science tells us how they have been shaped over millions of years of evolution. Yes, we know about the movements of the earth, of volcanoes, the power of wind and rain. But ancient stories suggest maybe... just maybe other forces have been at work creating the Sun Moon Lake.

Shen Hong: China's Lost memories Through a Western Lense

Professor Shen Hong of Zhejiang University delves deep into China's history through international perspectives. Venturing into prestigious global institutions, Shen unearthed vintage photographs that depict China from the late 1800s to the early 20th century, which offer a unique perspective into the intersections of China's history and its ties with the world. Dive into this edition of "Footprints" as we join Shen Hong's quest to retrieve China's memories from Western archives.